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Schnürch, Michael
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Results 1-20 of 284 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Scharinger, Fabian ; Weil, Matthias ; Schnürch, Michael ; Bica‐Schröder, Katharina Synthesis of Chiral Diazabicycloalkanes via Organocatalytic aza‐Michael/Aldol ReactionArticle Artikel 27-Nov-2023
2Schnürch, Michael Introduction of short alkyl chains via metal-catalyzed and catalyst free methodsPresentation Vortrag23-Nov-2023
3Kattukudiyil Narayanan-2023-European Journal of Organic Chemistry-vor.pdf.jpgKattukudiyil Narayanan, Nanditha ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Schnürch, Michael 2‐(o‐Tolyl) Pyridine as Ligand Improves the Efficiency in Ketone Directed ortho‐ArylationArticle Artikel 6-Nov-2023
4Papaplioura, Eleni ; Schnürch, Michael Substituting Gaseous Reagents for Solid AlternativesPresentation Vortrag25-Sep-2023
5Schnalzer, Dominik ; Vogel, Florian Daniel ; Fabjan, Jure ; Koniuszewski, Filip Tadeusz ; Schaar, Benjamin ; Schnürch, Michael ; Ernst, Margot ; Mihovilovic, Marko Design and Synthesis of Novel Pyrazoloquinolinone Ligands for Selective and Site-Specific Modulation of GABAA ReceptorsPresentation Vortrag16-Aug-2023
6Templ, Johanna ; Schnürch, Michael Mashing up Tsuji-Trost Reaction - A mechanochemical approachPresentation Vortrag11-Jul-2023
7Kattukudiyil Narayanan, Nanditha ; Pittenauer, Ernst ; Schnürch, Michael ENHANCING THE EFFICIENCY OF KETONE-DIRECTED ORTHO ARYLATION THROUGH PYRIDINE LIGANDPresentation Vortrag9-Jul-2023
8Biedermann, Nina ; Draskovits, Markus ; Schnürch, Michael ; Stanetty, Christian The synthesis of higher-carbon sugar alcohols via indium-mediated acyloxyallylation and evaluation as potential phase change materialsPresentation Vortrag22-Jun-2023
9Templ, Johanna ; Schnürch, Michael Unlocking Monoselective N-Methylation with Quaternary Ammonium SaltsPresentation Vortrag19-Jun-2023
10Miksovsky, Philipp ; Kornpointner, Christoph ; Lanaridi, Olga ; Sainz Martinez, Aitor ; Limbeck, Andreas ; Eder, Dominik ; Schnürch, Michael ; Halbwirth, Heidrun ; Schröder, Katharina Waste valorization. Recovery of valuable compounds from waste materials with alternative solventsPresentation Vortrag26-May-2023
11Miksovsky, Philipp ; Rauchenwald, Katharina ; Horn, Elias N. ; Naghdi, Shaghayegh ; Eder, Dominik ; Konegger, Thomas ; Schnürch, Michael ; Schröder, Katharina Continuous Formation of Bioderived Carbonates in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Catalyzed by Supported Ionic LiquidsPresentation Vortrag25-Apr-2023
12Schnürch, Michael Exploiting charged groups for metal-catalyzed meta-C–H functionalization of arenesArticle Artikel13-Apr-2023
13Stagel, Kristof ; Pálvölgyi, Ádám Márk ; Delmas, Clémence ; Schnürch, Michael ; Schröder, Katharina Supported Ionic Liquid Phase (SILP) Allylic Alkylation of Amines in Continuous FlowArticle Artikel 6-Apr-2023
14Sainz Martinez, Aitor ; Lanaridi, Olga ; Stagel, Kristof ; Halbwirth, Heidi ; Schnürch, Michael ; Schröder, Katharina Extraction techniques for bioactive compounds of cannabisArticle Artikel 22-Mar-2023
15Pourkaveh-2023-European Journal of Organic Chemistry-vor.pdf.jpgPourkaveh, Raheleh ; Podewitz, Maren ; Schnürch, Michael A Fujiwara-Moritani-type alkenylation using a traceless directing group strategy: a rare example of C-C bond formation towards the C2-carbon of terminal alkenesArticle Artikel 17-Feb-2023
16Templ-2023-Angewandte Chemie International Edition-vor.pdf.jpgTempl, Johanna ; Schnürch, Michael Allylation of C-, N-, and O-Nucleophiles via a Mechanochemically-Driven Tsuji–Trost Reaction Suitable for Late-Stage Modification of Bioactive MoleculesArticle Artikel 2023
17Draskovits-2023-Monatshefte fuer Chemie - Chemical Monthly-vor.pdf.jpgDraskovits, Markus ; Catorci, Daniele ; Wimmer, Laurin ; Rehman, Sabah ; Siebert, David ; Ernst, Margot ; Schnürch, Michael ; Mihovilovic, Marko D Novel synthetic procedures for C2 substituted imidazoquinolines as ligands for the α/β-interface of the GABAA-receptorArticle Artikel 2023
18Vega Alanis-2023-Monatshefte fuer Chemie - Chemical Monthly-vor.pdf.jpgVega Alanis, Blanca Angelica ; Wimmer, Laurin ; Ernst, Margot ; Schnürch, Michael ; Mihovilovic, Marko Novel pyrazolothienopyridinones as potential GABAA receptor modulatorsArticle Artikel 2023
19Draskovits-2023-Monatshefte fuer Chemie - Chemical Monthly-vor.pdf.jpgDraskovits, Markus ; Biedermann, Nina ; Mihovilovic, Marko D. ; Schnürch, Michael ; Stanetty, Christian The synthesis of higher-carbon sugar alcohols via indium-mediated acyloxyallylation as potential phase change materialsArticle Artikel 2023
20Miksovsky-2022-Organic Process Research and Development-vor.pdf.jpgMikÅ¡ovsky, Philipp ; Horn, Elias N. ; Naghdi, Shaghayegh ; Eder, Dominik ; Schnürch, Michael ; Bica-Schröder, Katharina Continuous Formation of Limonene Carbonates in Supercritical Carbon DioxideArticle Artikel 21-Oct-2022

Results 1-20 of 41 (Search time: 0.026 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Miksovsky Philipp - 2024 - Supercritical Carbon Dioxide - Advanced Applications...pdf.jpgMikÅ¡ovsky, Philipp Supercritical Carbon Dioxide - Advanced Applications in Flow Chemistry and Biomass ValorizationThesis Hochschulschrift 2024
2Kratzwald Sarah - 2023 - Design and Synthesis of Isotope-Labeled Amino Acids and...pdf.jpgKratzwald, Sarah Design and Synthesis of Isotope-Labeled Amino Acids and Precursors for Protein NMR CharacterizationThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Kabrelian Agop - 2023 - Synthesis and evaluation of chiral stationary phases...pdf.jpgKabrelian, Agop Synthesis and evaluation of chiral stationary phases derived from natural compounds for enantiomer separationThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
4Stagel Kristof - 2023 - Continuous flow chemistry in synthesis From ionic liquid...pdf.jpgStagel, Kristof Continuous flow chemistry in synthesis: From ionic liquid production towards carbon dioxide valorisationThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
5Scharinger Fabian - 2023 - Novel Organocatalysts for Highly Enantioselective...pdf.jpgScharinger, Fabian Novel Organocatalysts for Highly Enantioselective Transformations: Development and EvaluationThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
6Sainz Martinez Aitor - 2023 - Novel strategies for extraction and synthesis via...pdf.jpgSainz Martinez, Aitor Novel strategies for extraction and synthesis via combination of supercritical carbon dioxide and ionic liquidsThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
7Lukas Florian - 2022 - Photoinduced deoxygenative Csp3-Csp3 bond formation...pdf.jpgLukas, Florian Photoinduced, deoxygenative C(sp3)-C(sp3) bond formation between sulfonyl-hydrazones and C-H donors via HATThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
8Maltrovsky Lara - 2022 - Indium mediated acyloxyallylation of aldoses -...pdf.jpgMaltrovsky, Lara Indium mediated acyloxyallylation of aldoses – Systematic study and target-oriented synthesisThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
9Huber, Martin Development of mechanochemical C-H methylation without a ball millThesis Hochschulschrift2021
10Palvoelgyi Adam Mark - 2021 - Ion-aggregation and its impact for asymmetric...pdf.jpgPálvölgyi, Ádám Márk Ion-aggregation and its impact for asymmetric catalysisThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
11Schoenbauer David - 2021 - Benzylation and alkylation of CSP3-H bonds using...pdf.jpgSchönbauer, David Benzylation and alkylation of C(SP3)-H bonds using salts or liquidsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
12Biedermann Nina - 2021 - Non-natural sugar alcohols as potential phase change...pdf.jpgBiedermann, Nina Non-natural sugar alcohols as potential phase change materialsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
13Smith, Jakob Synthesis of bioactive heterocyclic compounds: : from manual to automatized synthesisThesis Hochschulschrift2021
14Hejazifar, Mahtab Thermomorphic catalysis in microemulsionsThesis Hochschulschrift2020
15Schönegger, Eva Sophie Phosphate bioisosters : Synthetic access and physicochemical propertiesThesis Hochschulschrift2020
16Anschuber Martin Georg - 2020 - Alkyl halides as olefin surrogates in direct...pdf.jpgAnschuber, Martin Georg Alkyl halides as olefin surrogates in direct alkylation reactions via C-H activationThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
17Magan Montoto, Yago Sugar alcohols and other organic compounds as phase change materialsThesis Hochschulschrift2019
18Lim Charlie - 2019 - Chiral cyclooctadiene ligands for rhodium catalysis.pdf.jpgLim, Charlie Chiral cyclooctadiene ligands for rhodium catalysisThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
19Dao-Huy Toan - 2018 - Application of C-H activation and natural product...pdf.jpgDao-Huy, Toan Application of C-H activation and natural product derivatization for the synthesis of bioactive compoundsThesis Hochschulschrift 2018
20Siebert David Chan Bodin - 2018 - Towards selective ligands for the GaBAA...pdf.jpgSiebert, David Chan Bodin Towards selective ligands for the GaBAA redceptor α+/β- interfaceThesis Hochschulschrift 2018