Full name Familienname, Vorname
Mihovilovic, Marko
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Results 1-20 of 556 (Search time: 0.002 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Gradisch, Ralph ; Schlögl, Katharina ; Lazzarin, Erika ; Niello, Marco ; Maier, Julian ; Mayer, Felix P ; Alves da Silva, Leticia ; Skopec, Sophie M C ; Blakely, Randy D ; Sitte, Harald H ; Mihovilovic, Marko ; Stockner, Thomas Ligand coupling mechanism of the human serotonin transporter differentiates substrates from inhibitorsArticle Artikel 10-Jan-2024
2Leonhartsberger, Simon ; Mann, Karl-Jürgen ; Kozich, Martin ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko Investigation of polysaccharides as substitutes for synthetic benchmark materials in wastewater treatmentInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag10-Nov-2023
3Singer, Nadja Katharina ; Schlögl, Katharina ; Zobel, Patrick ; Mihovilovic, Marko D ; González, Leticia Singlet and Triplet Pathways Determine the Thermal Z/E Isomerization of an Arylazopyrazole-Based PhotoswitchArticle Artikel 12-Oct-2023
4Schlögl, Katharina ; Singer, Nadja Katharina ; Dreier, Dominik ; Kalaus, Hubert ; Gonzalez, Leticia ; Mihovilovic, Marko Computational and experimental Investigation of arylazo-1,3,5-trimethylpyrazoles towards new insights of the thermal Z-E isomerization mechanismPresentation Vortrag17-Aug-2023
5Schnalzer, Dominik ; Vogel, Florian Daniel ; Fabjan, Jure ; Koniuszewski, Filip Tadeusz ; Schaar, Benjamin ; Schnürch, Michael ; Ernst, Margot ; Mihovilovic, Marko Design and Synthesis of Novel Pyrazoloquinolinone Ligands for Selective and Site-Specific Modulation of GABAA ReceptorsPresentation Vortrag16-Aug-2023
6Savic, Viktor ; Mihovilovic, Marko ; Stanetty, Christian Modified Phosphatidylinositols for the investigation of peptide assembliesPresentation Vortrag15-Aug-2023
7Suster, Christoph ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko The N-Heterocyclic Carbene controlled Dehomologation of Aldoses - An NMR based Kinetic Study on the initial Atack of the CatalystPresentation Vortrag17-Feb-2023
8Savic, Viktor ; Stanetty, Christian ; Sitte, Harald ; Schütz, Gerhard ; Mihovilovic, Marko Shedding Light: A Modified Phosphatidylinositol for the Investigation of Peptide AssembliesPresentation Vortrag17-Feb-2023
9Schlögl, Katharina ; Belleza, Oliver John ; Sitte, Harald H ; Mihovilovic, Marko Photoswitchable azo-Reboxetine Inhibitors for the light-induced control of the human Norepinephrine TransporterPresentation Vortrag2-Feb-2023
10Savic, Viktor ; Mihovilovic, Marko ; Stanetty, Christian A Modified Phosphatidylinositol for the Investigation of Peptide AssembliesPresentation Vortrag1-Feb-2023
11Mayer, Felix P ; Niello, Marco ; Cintulova, Daniela ; Sideromenos, Spyros ; Maier, Julian ; Li, Terytty Yang ; Bulling, Simon ; Kudlacek, Oliver ; Schicker, Klaus ; Iwamoto, Hideki ; Deng, Fei ; Wan, Jinxia ; Holy, Marion ; Katamish, Rania ; Sandtner, Walter ; Li, Yulong ; Pollak, Daniela D ; Blakely, Randy D ; Mihovilovic, Marko ; Baumann, Michael H ; Sitte, Harald H Serotonin-releasing agents with reduced off-target effectsArticle Artikel 2023
12Draskovits-2023-Monatshefte fuer Chemie - Chemical Monthly-vor.pdf.jpgDraskovits, Markus ; Catorci, Daniele ; Wimmer, Laurin ; Rehman, Sabah ; Siebert, David ; Ernst, Margot ; Schnürch, Michael ; Mihovilovic, Marko D Novel synthetic procedures for C2 substituted imidazoquinolines as ligands for the α/β-interface of the GABAA-receptorArticle Artikel 2023
13Vega Alanis-2023-Monatshefte fuer Chemie - Chemical Monthly-vor.pdf.jpgVega Alanis, Blanca Angelica ; Wimmer, Laurin ; Ernst, Margot ; Schnürch, Michael ; Mihovilovic, Marko Novel pyrazolothienopyridinones as potential GABAA receptor modulatorsArticle Artikel 2023
14Draskovits-2023-Monatshefte fuer Chemie - Chemical Monthly-vor.pdf.jpgDraskovits, Markus ; Biedermann, Nina ; Mihovilovic, Marko D. ; Schnürch, Michael ; Stanetty, Christian The synthesis of higher-carbon sugar alcohols via indium-mediated acyloxyallylation as potential phase change materialsArticle Artikel 2023
15Obleser-2022-ChemBioChem-vor.pdf.jpgObleser, Katharina ; Kalaus, Hubert ; Seidl, Bernhard ; Kozich, Martin ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko D An Organic Chemist's Guide to Mediated Laccase OxidationArticle Artikel 5-Dec-2022
16Schlögl, Katharina ; Belleza, Oliver John ; Gradisch, Ralph ; Stockner, Thomas ; Sitte, Harald H ; Mihovilovic, Marko Two Approaches towards new in-depth Investigations of Monoamine Neurotransmitter TransportersPresentation Vortrag24-Nov-2022
17Kalaus, Hubert ; Obleser, Katharina ; Scheibelreiter, Verena ; Seidl, Bernhard ; Kozich, Martin ; Stanetty, Christian ; Mihovilovic, Marko Facile Quantification of Aldehyde Starch in a Photometric Assay based on 2-Aminobenzamide OximePresentation Vortrag9-Nov-2022
18Mansouri, Hamid R ; Gracia Carmona, Oriol ; Jodlbauer, Julia ; Schweiger, Lorenz ; Fink, Michael J ; Breslmayr, Erik ; Laurent, Christophe ; Feroz, Saima ; P Goncalves, Leticia C ; Rial, Daniela V. ; Mihovilovic, Marko ; Bommarius, Andreas S ; Ludwig, Roland ; Oostenbrink, Chris ; Rudroff, Florian Mutations Increasing Cofactor Affinity, Improve Stability and Activity of a Baeyer-Villiger MonooxygenaseArticle Artikel 7-Oct-2022
19Schlögl, Katharina ; Ralph Gradisch ; Stockner Thomas ; Sitte, Harald H ; Mihovilovic, Marko Synthesis of Serotonin Derivatives with different sidechain lengths for Serotonin Neurotransmitter Transporter InvestigationsPresentation Vortrag28-Sep-2022
20Schlögl, Katharina ; Belleza, Oliver John ; Gradisch, Ralph ; Stockner, Thomas ; Sitte, Harald H ; Mihovilovic, Marko Synthesis of Substrates for the Investigation of Monoamine Neurotransmitter TransportersInproceedings Konferenzbeitrag21-Sep-2022

Results 1-20 of 75 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).

PreviewAuthor(s)TitleTypeIssue Date
1Schloegl Katharina - 2023 - Tool Compounds enabling a Molecular Understanding of...pdf.jpgSchlögl, Katharina Tool Compounds enabling a Molecular Understanding of Monoamine Transporters and G-Quadruplex DNAThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
2Scheibelreiter Verena - 2023 - Evaluation of catalytic methods for starch...pdf.jpgScheibelreiter, Verena Evaluation of catalytic methods for starch oxidationThesis Hochschulschrift 2023
3Cziegler Clemens - 2022 - Diazirine-FAD A Stable cofactor for biocatalysts and a...pdf.jpgCziegler, Clemens Diazirine-FAD: A Stable cofactor for biocatalysts and a molecular probeThesis Hochschulschrift 2022
4Obleser, Katharina Investigation of the laccase-mediated oxidation of alcohols - model compounds for starch oxidationThesis Hochschulschrift2022
5Suster Christoph - 2021 - Investigations in the N-heterocyclic carbene...pdf.jpgSuster, Christoph Investigations in the N-heterocyclic carbene controlled dehomologation of aldoses - selectivity and reactivityThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
6Oliveira da Conceicao Rafaela Carina - 2021 - Synthesis and application of...pdf.jpgOliveira da Conceicao, Rafaela Carina Synthesis and application of double-click azobenzenes in the development of light-responsive surfaces for biological applicationsThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
7Hecko Sebastian - 2021 - Development of carbonyl-sensing assays for the...pdf.jpgHečko, SebastianDevelopment of carbonyl-sensing assays for the application in fluorescence activated droplet sortingThesis Hochschulschrift 2021
8Iorio, Maria Teresa New modifications of an old scaffold: : Pyrazoloquinolinone derivatives and analogs as active receptors on GABA-A receptorsThesis Hochschulschrift2020
9Raabe, Konstantin Synthesis of conjugates of porphyrins and di-aromatic guanidines as ligands for guanine-quadruplexesThesis Hochschulschrift2020
10Jandl Bernhard - 2020 - Novel nucleoside analogues for diagnosis and treatment...pdf.jpgJandl, Bernhard Novel nucleoside analogues for diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseasesThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
11Draskovits Markus - 2020 - New methodologies for the interconversion of reducing...pdf.jpgDraskovits, Markus New methodologies for the interconversion of reducing sugars by activation of the anomeric carbonThesis Hochschulschrift 2020
12Mansouri Khosravi Hamid Reza - 2020 - Discovery redesign and stabilization of...pdf.jpgMansouri Khosravi, Hamid Reza Discovery, redesign, and stabilization of cyclohexanone monooxygenase (CHMO)Thesis Hochschulschrift 2020
13Pomberger, Alexander A continuous stirred-tank reactor (CSTR) platform for handling heterogeneous visible-light photoredox reactionsThesis Hochschulschrift2019
14Cintulová, Daniela Synthesis and biological profiling of bioactive molecules for the investigation of monoamine transportersThesis Hochschulschrift2019
15Savic Viktor - 2019 - Towards the synthesis of a functionalized...pdf.jpgSavic, Viktor Towards the synthesis of a functionalized phosphatidylinositol-derivativeThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
16Schloegl Katharina - 2019 - Investigation of -functionalization of Aliphatic...pdf.jpgSchlögl, Katharina Investigation of δ-functionalization of Aliphatic Amines through Photoredox CatalysisThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
17Miksovsky Philipp - 2019 - Neuroscience meets photopharmacology scale-up and...pdf.jpgMikšovsky, Philipp Neuroscience meets photopharmacology: scale-up and optimization of the synthesis of photoswitchable paroxetine based serotonin reuptake inhibitorsThesis Hochschulschrift 2019
18Cziegler, Clemens Synthesis of perillic acid derivatives : putative novel bioactive compoundsThesis Hochschulschrift2018
19Aronow, Jonas Asymmetrische Diels-Alder Reaktionen von alpha,beta-ungesättigten Aldehyden und Cyclpentadien durch Brønsted Säure-KatalyseThesis Hochschulschrift2018
20Ayatollahi Leila Hamideh - 2018 - Synthesis of biologically active tool...pdf.jpgAyatollahi, Leila Hamideh Synthesis of biologically active tool compounds: mephedrone derivatives and the key fragment of leoliginThesis Hochschulschrift 2018